Supporting Care and Retirement Providers

Supporting Care and Retirement Providers

Grow Your Business with Autumna

Pre-qualified leads

Pre-qualified leads

Sent to your email, by text or CRM platform

Differentiate from your competitors

Differentiate from your competitors

Unique detailed profile information

Maximise online exposure

Maximise online exposure

Location-based directory listings

Premium Profiles

Sign up to a Premium Profile to enjoy these marketing benefits:

  • SEO friendly profile
  • Lead generation via shortlist service and direct enquiries
  • Profile and lead stats
  • Confirmed placements
  • Autumna will build your profile for you
  • Ability to add written, photo, and video content
  • Between 200 and 300 searchable fields to help customers find you
  • Edit and update your own profile
  • Support from our Account Managers and tech team

Profile content and subscription options

Care Homes

A Premium Profile all-inclusive subscription fee for care homes is £58/month +VAT and includes your OpenScore.

Care Home Premium Profile Content list

Home Care Agencies

A Premium Profile all-inclusive subscription fee for home care agencies is £33/month +VAT.

Live-in Care Agencies

A Premium Profile all-inclusive subscription fee for live-in care branches is £58/month +VAT.

Home Care and Live-in Care Premium Profile Content list

Retirement Living

A Premium Profile all-inclusive subscription fee for Retirement Living providers is charged as follows:

  • Retirement Community: £125/month +VAT
  • Retirement Village: £195/month +VAT
Retirement Living Premium Profile Content list

How to claim and upgrade your profile

You can claim your profile on Autumna simply by registering your details here. You can also visit our support page to find out more about claiming your profile, editing your profiles and setting up lead notifications.

To upgrade to a Premium Profile get in touch by completing the form below or by calling 01892 349 818.


Your questions, answered!

It is vitally important that the information we provide to care seekers is independent and unbiased. That is why we will not take referral fees from care providers and we can't discount our prices for large groups - it's a flat rate for every premium profile.
Our expertise lies in the self-funding market and we have been working with self-funding families for over 15 years. They rarely get the support they need to make an informed choice about their elder care. We want to support care providers who offer good quality care - and we know the best way to do that is to ensure self-funding families can find them
Whether you’ve listed one care service or 100, you can see really easily how your profile is performing on Autumna just by checking your stats and leads on your dashboard. In addition, every care provider who has claimed a profile on Autumna, will receive a monthly email containing a summary of their stats, including details of any qualified referrals from the advice line team.
In the live-in care and home care sectors, Autumna's Profile Strength indicator reflects the amount of up-to-date and relevant information that has been provided. The higher the Profile Strength the easier it is for self-funding families to find the answers they need. This makes a care provider more appealing to both care seekers and their families. The more frequently you update your information - even if it’s just your availability status - the more it will help your Profile Strength indicator.

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The UK's largest & most detailed directory of elderly care and retirement living options


Care Homes


Home Care Services


Live-in Care Services


Retirement Living Developments

Autumna is the UK's largest and most comprehensive later-life living & elderly care directory. Our detailed search facility and team of expert advisors can help you find the best care homes, nursing homes, retirement homes, retirement villages, home care, and live-in care services for you or your loved one's needs. Our website is free to use, we are proudly independent, and we never take referral fees.