Adopt a Grandparent

The Adopt a Grandparent mission is to abolish loneliness and isolation by creating newly found relationships around the world. What started as a local community initiative quickly became a global hit – with volunteers as far as Hawaii expressing their desire to adopt their very own grandparent.

Adopt a Grandparent campaign logo

Initially launched as a campaign to facilitate intergenerational bonds and connect people in later life with volunteers, Adopt a Grandparent is a socially driven, not for-profit organisation that is currently awaiting its Charity Commission registration.

As COVID continued to take over our lives during the pandemic, we all learned to rely on technology and its many benefits for social good. That is when Adopt a Granparent joined forces with the innovative software company, Ugenie. The virtual community portal app has helped thousands of volunteers from across the globe adopt grandparents and encouraged companionship through intergenerational bonds.

The impact of loneliness

  • 200,000* older people hadn’t had a conversation with a friend or relative in more than a month. *Stats from a UK Gov report.
  • Studies show loneliness is associated with negative feelings, such as sadness, numbness, pain, hopelessness, and low self-worth
  • Loneliness and social isolation are associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.
  • Loneliness places individuals at a greater risk of cognitive decline and dementia, alongside increasing the risk of death by 26%.

The Benefits of Adopt a Grandparent

  • Contributes to the mental and emotional well-being of vulnerable individuals, reducing social isolation and loneliness.
  • Intergenerational companionship contributes significantly to the personal and educational development of young students.
  • Students gain first-hand insights into history, culture, and life experiences, supplementing their formal education with practical wisdom.
  • Students learn compassion, patience, and communication skills that are essential in various academic and professional settings.
  • The exchange of knowledge between students and older individuals creates a dynamic learning environment, fostering a culture of continuous learning and mutual respect.
  • This positive impact ripples through the broader community, promoting a supportive and caring atmosphere that benefits everyone involved.

Whenever I visited my wonderful grandmother in her care home, I realised how many elderly residents there had no visitors at all, with some not even receiving the occasional phone call or letter, and I found that heartbreaking. When I lost my grandmother, I decided to join Adopt a Grandparent to play my small part in helping the organisation to combat loneliness. The experience has been incredibly rewarding, both for my grandparent match Hazel, and for myself too.

Emma Pomfret, Global Media Manager at The Halo Trust, shared her experience of getting involved in the charity

Adopt A Grandparent (AAG) uses technology to pair up younger individuals from across the globe with care residents and older people across the UK. The app is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that it can be adopted by care homes across the UK to promote mental well-being and bridge generational gaps.

Part of the app, or community platform, ensures that pairs are matched in accordance with their hobbies and interests, as well as providing a safe space for virtual calls. The video calls between pairings are scheduled safely and securely via the app, as well as the messaging service. To enhance the security, only registered users are allowed to access the app and the video calls. The adopted “grandparents” and “volunteers’ then share feedback via the app and have the option to speak with the core team members of AAG using the messaging service should a problem arise.

Visit the AAG website for information to download for Android and Apple phones.

Adopt a grandparent app screen examples

Become a Volunteer

If you'd like to join more than 90,000 people in their mission to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness, sign up today

Register your Care Home

Do you think your residents could benefit from staying connected through the Adopt a Grandparent programme? If so, then register your care home today.

Become a Sponsor

Support Adopt a Grandparent to sustain and grow by becoming a sponsor. Learn more about sponsorship.

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