Home Care Costs

What affects the price of home care near you? Mostly, it will be the level of assistance provided and the demand in your local area. 

Specialist home care services such as cancer care or care after a severe stroke can require specialist nursing care, which can be a more substantial cost when compared with domestic home care.

Home Care worker giving breakfast to elderly man

What are the average home care costs in the UK?

An assessment of the home care providers on the Autumna website shows an average rate of around £22-£23 an hour for visiting home care across the UK.

Within each geographic area, of course, there can be large variations in price. 

If you were to search for home care in Birmingham on the Autumna directory for example, you’d find home care agencies that charge from £17 per hour and others charging £22 and above.

In comparison, if you were to search for home care in Leicester on the Autumna directory for example, you’d find home care agencies that charge £15 per hour and others charging almost £34 per hour.

As an example, if you needed an hour a day, for 7 days a week and your hourly home care cost was £15, your costs would be £105 a week, £456 a month or £5,475 a year.

Reduce your home care costs

Have you checked your eligibility for benefits such as Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance?

Attendance Allowance is a government benefit for adults who have surpassed the UK state pension age and have a disability, medical condition or illness.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit paid to people over the UK state pension age with a long-term health condition or disability. 

PIPs cover additional costs that come from living with an illness or ongoing condition, such as the cost of installing a wet room or covering the cost of taxi fares to appointments. PIPs can also be used to pay for home care services.

Find out how much home care is in your area

Call us on 01892 335 330 to talk about your care needs and ask us about anything regarding care that’s on your mind. We can help you find out how much home care services could cost, how often you could afford assistance and whether you’re entitled to any funding help

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