Posted by Rob King

How can I make a Living Will?

What are the legal procedures involved in making a Living Will - or Advance Decision - and do I need one?

During the coronavirus pandemic, Autumna is fielding a growing number of calls on its Advice Line (01892 33 53 30) concerning Living Wills.

Many people are obviously concerned about the COVID-19 situation and keen to make sure they are prepared for the future, no matter what that future may bring.

One major subject that keeps coming up is that of Living Wills which is the old name for an Advance Decision. This is a legal document that you can put in place, while you have mental capacity, that states that you want to refuse certain medical treatment, in certain circumstances, should you later be unable to make or communicate your wishes yourself.

There are certain requirements that have to be fulfilled to make these wishes legally binding. We at Autumna are obviously not legal experts so calls of this nature are directed to our trusted legal partners - Parfitt Cresswell.

Parfitt Cresswell have written a very concise and informative piece here that will answer many of the questions you have and issues you will want to consider.

They are currently offering 20 initial complimentary virtual meetings per month with their expert and friendly team via their telephone and video conference call facilities.

You can contact them directly on 0800 999 4437 or email  These complimentary meetings fill up quickly, so if you would like to ensure that your legal matter is taken care of effectively and efficiently, you should contact them today.

When the current social-distancing policies are relaxed, you can obviously visit in person. So to find your local office click here.

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How can I make a Living Will?

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How can I make a Living Will?

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