Where on earth do you start?

Where on earth do you start?

What else do I need to know?

Ten years of experience on one page...

Most of us have little understanding of how to find care until we absolutely have to, and it's often only when a parent or partner needs support that we discover how much there is to know. Then the panic sets in. This is why, with 10 years' experience supporting families looking for care, Debbie decided to establish Autumna.  

Debbie's tips below will provide a useful summary for anyone about to embark on this journey, highlighting what she believes are the most important points you need to think about.

1. Planning for future care

The more you can prepare in advance - whether for yourself, a spouse or parent, the easier the process will be and the more confident you will be at the time of need. 
Learn more about planning for future care

2. Recognising when care is needed

Can you see what's happening? Have you acknowledged it?
Learn more about how to recognise when care is needed

3. Helping Mum or Dad 

It often falls to middle aged 'children' to find care solutions for their parents. This can be tricky, delicate and emotionally stressful. You want to avoid an urgent, panic-driven situation so the more planning you can do with them, the better. But it requires sensitivity, subtlety and has to be at their pace, which means setting the wheels in motion early. 

4. Getting a Care Assessment

Vital to determine the type of care you need moving forward.

5. Different types of care

Care home, live-in care, home care - what is the most appropriate?
Learn more about the different care options available

6.Paying for care

Are you entitled to Local Authority (LA) funding, can you access NHS Continuing Healthcare or will you be paying for your own care?
Learn more about funding care

7. Understanding Dementia

Dementia is a generic term describing a group of symptoms affecting the brain. There are more than 100 different strains of the condition. Finding the right care is crucial to the individual's well-being.

8. Securing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Ensuring the right decisions are made for you if you cannot make them yourself.
Learn more about Lasting Power of Attorney

9. Keeping your Will up-to-date

We should all have a Will - it influences what happens following our death.
Learn more about Wills

10. Leaving hospital

Do you know that for every day an old person is bed-bound they can lose up to 5% of their muscle mass?
Learn more about care for when you leave hospital

    If you would like to speak to somebody, call Chosen with Care on 01892 300 530

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