Care home checklist

Care home checklist

As a someone who is funding your own later life care, what should you focus on when researching care homes?

Choosing the right care home is vital for long-term well-being, but as with everything, you need to get the foundations in place before focusing on the details. So what should you be looking for at the very start?

"There are four crucial factors you must first consider when looking for the right care home. They are really obvious when you look back, but at the time they elude many of us."

Debbie Harris

Where is the care home located?

It is vital that the location of the care home is near to the person or people most likely to visit. It doesn't matter that mum, for example, has always lived in Kent if there is no family living nearby who can visit regularly.

The ability for relatives to call in to check on their loved ones and speak to the care home staff is vital - and infinitely better than sitting for hours on the motorway.

What type of care does the home offer?

When you are looking for a care home, make sure you understand whether you are looking for a residential home or nursing home.

Both types of home may also support dementia, but make sure you discuss with the manager what level of dementia needs can be catered for. And don't forget to future-proof. It's important that the care home can not only meet present needs but also those needs as they progress.

How much does the care home cost?

Make sure you understand how much you can afford - today and in the future. Many care homes will ask for proof of funds of two or even three years.

If you think you may run out of money, talk to the care home and explain that you will need to revert to Local Authority funded care, unless someone close is personally prepared to top up the fees.

If you need independent care fees advice, contact a SOLLA (Society of Later Life Advisers) accredited adviser at Schroders Personal Wealth who will be able to help.

Does the care home have availability?

Wherever possible, research your care options before you need them.

Bear in mind that generally care homes won't hold a room for you unless you pay for it. So, make sure you have chosen two or more homes that you like the look and feel of as, at least one of them should have availability when you need it. Alternatively put your name down on the waiting list if you are able to wait for a room in your preferred home.

"Only 6% of families move a relative once they are living in a care home, regardless of whether it's actually the best place for them. This is because they are worried that further upheaval will have a damaging effect on their loved one. In reality, living in the wrong environment could be much worse for them."

Debbie Harris, Founder of Autumna

What is the best way to find information about later life care and support?

More and more families are using Autumna's comprehensive directory to help them choose a care home.

By completing this short form which lets us know exactly what type of care is important to you, we can then filter your search and send you a shortlist of all the care homes that can meet your needs.

Alternatively, you can email us on or call our friendly and impartial Advice Line team on 01892 335 330. The line is open 7 days a week. (8:30am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 10am - 5pm Sat, 10am - 4pm Sun).

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