NHS help with funding care

NHS help with funding care

Care provided by the NHS

Even if you are responsible for funding your own care, you may well be eligible for financial support. In this section we talk about NHS funding options. If you have an existing medical condition that needs ongoing treatment, we advise you to familiarise yourself with them.


What is NHS Continuing Healthcare?

According to the Government website:

'Where a person has been assessed to have a primary health need, they are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) and the NHS will be responsible for providing for all of that individual’s assessed health and associated social care needs, including accommodation, if that is part of the overall need.'

Click here to read the full article 


Organising care after hospital

The hospital has a legal obligation to assess your care needs. This will directly influence where you go next, and the support that should be arranged. It may involve funded care, which could be applicable regardless of whether you are living in your own home, an assisted living apartment or a care home.

Click here to read the full article 


NHS-funded Nursing Care

If you are entitled to NHS-funded Nursing Care, it means that the NHS will pay a flat rate towards your nursing care needs, once the outcome of an assessment determines that you are eligible. 

Click here to read the full article


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