Planning for later life care

Planning for later life care

How do you start planning for later life care?

This page is a hub of information to help you plan future care. You’ll find a definition of what an advanced care plan is, guidance on how to make one, and tips on spotting the signs of needing care. We have also included helpful information about how to plan to care for an elderly parent or relative.

daughter makes a plan for her mother's future care to make sure that the best care is in place

Why should you plan your future care?

It's never too soon to plan for later life care - no matter how fit and able you are today! And if you have parents who don't seem to have given it any thought, it's not a bad idea to introduce the subject to them.

None of us know what the future holds.

Making a plan for your future care secures your wishes so that if you’re unable to communicate, your needs are listened to.

Put simply, to keep your voice, choice and control as you age, make a care plan in advance to ensure that you’re listened to and that what you want is honoured.


How to make an Advance Care Plan

The earlier you can think about how you are going to live your later life, the more enjoyable it will be.

This guide includes information about how to get a care needs assessment so you know what level of care you might need, as well as steps that explain how to make an Advance Care Plan to document your preferences.

Don't let the prospect fill you with gloom; if you take control now, you may well find you have plenty of appealing options for your retirement.

Click here to read the full article.


How to recognise when care is needed

It can be hard to spot changes in someone you've known all your life - and even harder sometimes, to admit to yourself that things aren't as easy as they used to be.

This guide lists the 7 signs that care may be needed, with information about care options including home care, live-in care, care homes or retirement living, that could help to improve the quality of life for either yourself or someone you love.

Asking for help does not mean that you’ve failed - specialist care can be complex and even with the best intentions, supporting yourself or another elderly person alone, without medical aids, hoists or experience in care, can be a huge challenge.

Click here to read the full article.


How to plan to care for elderly parents

Caring for a spouse, your Mum or Dad or someone you love can be rewarding but requires thoughtful planning to ensure that the right level of care can be delivered and that the needs of the person receiving the care are met.

This guide provides support and lists resources that can help to improve the standard of care experienced by elderly adults in the UK.

Click here to read the full article.

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