Hospital Discharge Report

Hospital Discharge Report

Care Providers’ Perspectives

Our survey quantifies the frustration experienced by care providers with the hospital discharge system, identifying key reasons for delayed discharge. Moreover, it provides evidence to inform national policy to improve the current system, so our elderly get the care and support they need, when they need it. This, in turn, will help to alleviate the strain on hospitals and reduce the financial burden on the public purse.

  • 93% of care providers would like to see government reform of the hospital discharge process
  • 85% of care providers who have a positive relationship with their local hospital discharge teams still want the process reformed
  • 24% of respondents say it takes more than a week on average for patients declared fit to leave hospital to be discharged into their care
  • 7% of respondents say it takes three weeks or more on average for patients declared fit to leave hospital to be discharged into their care

As our population continues to age, we need to ensure we have a robust care sector to meet its needs. Improving the hospital discharge process is a win-win-win-win-win: for elderly patients, the NHS, other patients trying to access health services, local authorities and the care sector. Our report reveals some of the key challenges, outlines what needs to be done and proposes a solution.

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Autumna’s Hospital Discharge Report clearly outlines a system that is failing and will only get worse unless remedial action is taken. However, this report also highlights the fact that there are solutions, and if people worked effectively with the social care sector and gave it the needed resources, the solutions would be easily and readily available.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive Care England

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For more information about DAD, our research and how you can work with Autumna, get in touch with Debbie Harris via the link below.

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