Prospective clients always want to know how your home rates in relation to your competitors. Using Digital Reception or e-Reception Book software will give you that opportunity by displaying Live Ratings on Autumna. This software gives you the ability to invite any visitor who enters your home the opportunity to review how good the experience was!
When visitors sign out of your home they are presented with the option to provide feedback. It's quick and it's easy. The reviews are then sent instantly from the Digital Reception or e-Reception Book to Autumna and they update your premium profile on Autumna instantly.
Visitor Management Systems are a digital tool, utilised by care and nursing homes for logging and managing visitors, contractors, and staff. It serves as a modern alternative to traditional sign-in books in reception areas.
Digital Reception is a front of house e-reception book for visitors, staff and residents. A highly configurable system, supporting any number of social care settings.
A front of house e-reception book for visitors, staff and residents.
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Replace all visitor books on your front desk with an iPad-based system to check in and out visitors. Create a modern first impression with a fully branded system.
Visitor & Staff Sign-in App For Care & Nursing Homes.
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If you would like Digital Reception or e-Reception Book and Live Ratings on your Autumna profile please contact:
Email: or call 01892 335 330 to talk about upgrading your profile to a premium listing and integrating Live Ratings.
or Call: 07462 871931 to talk about installing Digital Reception.
or Call: 01489 336 291
Care Homes
Home Care Services
Live-in Care Services
Retirement Living Developments
Autumna is the UK's largest and most comprehensive later-life living & elderly care directory. Our detailed search facility and team of expert advisors can help you find the best care homes, nursing homes, retirement homes, retirement villages, home care, and live-in care services for you or your loved one's needs. Our website is free to use, we are proudly independent, and we never take referral fees.