Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court

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Stisted Hall
Kings Lane, Stisted
CM77 8AG


Request Details
Care Type Care Home
Care Category Residential | Dementia | Respite
Availability Yes
Regulator's Rating Good
Care Options We Can Provide
Support For Companionship, Convalescence, Palliative, Personal care.
Disability Support Bed Bound, Hearing Impairment, Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Requires Hoist , Speech Impairment, Visual Impairment, Walking Frame, Wheel Chair Bound.
Type Of Dementia Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia.
Dementia Specialisms Alzheimer's.
Respite Care Yes

Stisted Hall
Kings Lane, Stisted
CM77 8AG

Regulator: CQC

Current Ratings
Overall Good
Safe Good
Well Led Good
Caring Good
Responsive Good
Effective Good
Inspection Reports
Last inspected 19th February 2020
Last rated 16th April 2020
Current Report

Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court Care Home - Care Quality Commission (

Historic Reports

Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court Care Home - Care Quality Commission (

Registration Date 18th March 2016
Service Provider The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care Company, WC2B 5AZ

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Frequently asked questions about Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court

Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court was given an overall rating of "Good" by the CQC in April 2020.
Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court provides Residential, Dementia and Respite care.
Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court has 50 rooms.
Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court is owned by The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care Company (RMBI Care Co.).
Yes. Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court does offer Residential care.
Yes. Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court does offer Respite care.
Yes. Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court does provide care for people with Dementia.
Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court comes under Essex.
Mrs Agnieszka McDonald is the manager of Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court.

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