Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited

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Profile Strength
Excellent 100%
Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited - Home Care
Care Type Home Care
Care Category Personal | Dementia | Respite
Availability Yes
Hourly Prices From £23.50
Regulator's Rating Good
Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited - Home Care
Meet The Manager

Emma Culley is Managing Director at Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited.

Hello,  I’m Emma, the founder of Rest Assured Homecare.

I imagine you are a bit like me, a busy person who is always trying to juggle family and work. This gets especially challenging when relatives begin to rely on you for their care, and you want to give them that care, but you have your own children to look after and job to attend to.

Whilst working within a family business, I was caring for my grandparents at the same time. When I visited my grandparents, I wanted to be there as a granddaughter. To spend time with them, laugh with them and create new memories with them. Not do the washing up and make sure they had had their daily medicine. So, inspired by my experiences, I started Rest Assured Homecare in February 2019 with the aim of providing the same standard of care and dignity, both in turns of physical and mental well-being, to all my service users as I would expect to give my grandparents.

Emma Culley

With the right care in place, every person, young or old can live with dignity, security and companionship in the comfort of their own homes.

Working alongside your family and friends already involved in your care at home, we can alleviate the complexities and frustrations associated with getting the right care in place, (be it long or short term care, respite, live-in, companionship, domestic, hospital to home or more specialist care such as Dementia or End of Life) and provide your loved ones with the peace of mind that they can now visit you as family again, and not as your carer. Rest Assured Homecare will achieve this by delivering a premium, fully-managed, care at home solution.

RAH Roll-fold leaflet.pdf

Care Options We Can Provide
Care Given Companionship, Complex Care, Convalescence, Emergency Care, End of Life, Palliative, Personal care, Support for Couples.
Disability Support Bed Bound, Hearing Impairment, Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Requires Hoist , Speech Impairment, Visual Impairment, Walking Frame, Wheel Chair Bound.
Housekeeping Cleaning, Laundry, Meal Preparation, Medical Appointments, Prescription Collection, Shopping, Tidying.
Medication By Mouth, Change Catheter.
Type Of Dementia Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia.
Dementia Behaviour Agitation / Restlessness, Challenging Behaviour, Mild Forgetfulness.
Dementia Specialisms Alzheimer's, Mixed Dementias.
Care Visits 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 3 Hours, 30 Mins, 4 Hours, 6 Hours, Days, Full Day, Full Day & Night, Night Service (awake / waking), Sitting-in Service, Sleep-in Service.
Transport Carer provides own vehicle.
Technology Family Apps, Key Safes.

Autumna has invited care providers to evidence the infection control measures they are carrying out, above and beyond those laid out by the government, in order to keep residents, staff and visitors safe.

What we're doing to keep residents & visitors safe

Our Support Workers receive comprehensive training in infection control and are strictly following industry guidance from the UK’s Public Health Authorities and World Health Organisation (WHO) which includes emphasis on the importance of safe handwashing practice.

In line with the latest Government advice, all our Support Workers are working hard to minimise the risk of transmission through safe working procedures. This includes the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) as needed. PPE includes the use of masks, aprons, gloves and/or eye protection when delivering care.

If a Support Worker is concerned, they may have COVID-19, they are being urged to follow NHS advice. If advised to self-isolate at home, they will follow the Government’s stay at home guidance and will not carry out visits until safe to do so. 

We are following the Government Guidlines on delivering home care during this time to ensure that we are minimising the risk of spreading the illness whilst still providing our vital service to service users so that they can stay safe and well at home.

We continue to follow direction provided by the UK’s Public Health Authorities and World Health Organisation (WHO) and review guidance daily, working closely with organisations such as the UK Home Care Association, Age UK and other care providers.

The safety and wellbeing of our service users and Support Workers is our top priority at this difficult time.

Infection Control Initiatives in place
safe-tick Infection Control Training Our staff are trained to use measures which prevent and control infections.
safe-tick Sterilisation & Disinfection Devices We are using sterilisation and/or disinfection devices within our care setting.
safe-tick Virus Testing We are testing for viral infection when symptoms present within our care setting.
Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) - Regulator’s Assessment
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, regulators have assessed the preparedness of care providers in relation to infection prevention and control. Details of the regulator’s latest findings can be found below.
Regulator: CQC
safe-tick Policies The provider assured the regulator that its infection prevention and control policy was up to date.
safe-tick Testing The provider assured the regulator that it was accessing testing for people using the service and staff.
safe-tick Use of PPE The provider assured the regulator that it was using personal protective equipment effectively and safely.
View the provider’s latest Inspection Reports.

Social media provides an up to date window on the activities within a provider's setting.

With the restrictions on visiting during the pandemic, social media platforms such as these offer real insight when you are choosing a provider.

Infection Control Safe We are on Facebook

Fees For Individuals Fee
Hourly Fees Start From £23.50
Hourly Rate - Bank Holiday £23.50

Funding Types
Region East
We Accept Self-Funding Clients Yes
Local Authority Funded Clients Yes

The Importance Of Meal Times

We strongly support the provision of a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet for all residents. ​We take pride in providing tasty, tempting meals for our residents. Mealtimes should be an enjoyable occasion for our clients. ​

We Can Prepare
All day snacks, Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, Cold Meals, Hot Meals, Snacks.

Dietary Options
Gluten-free, Pureed, Vegan, Vegetarian.

Our Photos

Activities Are So Important

As a part of your care arrangement, you will be supported with basic and physical activities of daily living to live as ordinary life as possible, suited to your abilities.

Our Photos

Staff Specialities
1 to 1 Activities, Birthday Celebrations, Board Games, Card Games, Cooking, Crafts, Crosswords, Flower Arranging, Gardening, Knitting / Embroidery, Music Entertainment, Painting, Quiz Games, Reminiscence, Singing, Word Games.

Our Pets

Your pets are important to us as they are to you.

How We Help With Your Pet

Regulator: CQC

Current Ratings
CQC Registered Yes
Overall Good
Safe Good
Well Led Good
Caring Good
Responsive Good
Effective Good
Inspection Reports
Last inspected 22nd April 2021
Last rated 6th May 2021
Current Report

Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited Home Care service - Care Quality Commission (

Historic Reports

Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited Home Care service - Care Quality Commission (

Registration Date 3rd September 2019
Service Provider Rest Assured Homecare UK Ltd, PE13 3BH

We cover Wisbech, Kings Lynn and surrounding areas

Our Registered Address is:

6 Hodgson Way
Kings Lynn
PE30 4WR

Frequently asked questions about Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited

Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited was given an overall rating of "Good" by the CQC in May 2021.
Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited provides Personal, Dementia and Respite care.
Prices for Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited start from £23.50 per hour.
Yes. Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited does offer Respite care.
Yes. Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited does provide care for people with Dementia.
Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited accepts Local Authority clients.
Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited accepts NHS Continuing Healthcare clients.
Emma Culley is the manager of Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited.

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