Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne

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Profile Strength
Fair 39%
Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne - Home Care
Care Type Home Care
Care Category Personal | Dementia | Respite
Availability Yes
Regulator's Rating Outstanding
Care Options We Can Provide
Care Given Companionship, Personal care.
Disability Support Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Walking Frame.
Housekeeping Meal Preparation, Tidying.
Medication By Mouth.
Type Of Dementia Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia.
Dementia Specialisms Alzheimer's.
Care Visits 1 Hour, 30 Mins.

Regulator: CQC

Current Ratings
CQC Registered Yes
Overall Outstanding
Safe Good
Well Led Outstanding
Caring Outstanding
Responsive Outstanding
Effective Good
Inspection Reports
Last inspected 4th June 2019
Last rated 31st July 2019
Current Report

Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne Home Care service - Care Quality Commission (

Historic Reports

Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne Home Care service - Care Quality Commission (

Registration Date 18th May 2018
Service Provider SPDS Care Limited, SG12 9EN

We cover Ware

Our Registered Address is:

Ground Floor, Left Hand Unit, Sucklings Yard
Church Street
SG12 9EN

Other Home Care services in the area worth considering

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Bessemer Drive, Stevenage, SG1 2DX

Personal | Dementia | Respite

Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne - Home Care
Ency Care Limited

Cavendish House, Plumpton Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0LB

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Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne - Home Care
Azelea Care Solutions Ltd

9 Bedford Square, Houghton Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 5ES

Personal | Dementia | Nursing | Respite

Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne - Home Care
Azelea Care Solutions
Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne - Home Care
Real Care Solutions

Business & Technology Centre, Bessemer Drive, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2DX

Personal | Dementia | Respite

Care Provider:
Real Care Solutions Ltd, SG1 2DX

Frequently asked questions about Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne

Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne was given an overall rating of "Outstanding" by the CQC in July 2019.
Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne provides Personal, Dementia and Respite care.
Yes. Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne does offer Respite care.
Yes. Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne does provide care for people with Dementia.
Caremark East Hertfordshire and Broxbourne comes under Hertfordshire.

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