Vi and John Rubens House

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39 Clarence Avenue
Gants Hill


Request Details
Care Type Care Home
Care Category Residential | Nursing | Dementia | Respite
Admission Criteria Jewish faith community
Availability Yes
Regulator's Rating Good
Care Options We Can Provide
Support For Companionship, Convalescence, Personal care.
Disability Support Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Walking Frame.
Medication By Mouth.
Type Of Dementia Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia.
Dementia Behaviour Mild Forgetfulness.
Dementia Specialisms Alzheimer's.
Respite Care Yes

39 Clarence Avenue
Gants Hill

Regulator: CQC

Current Ratings
Overall Good
Safe Good
Well Led Good
Caring Good
Responsive Good
Effective Good
Inspection Reports
Last inspected 14th March 2023
Last rated 23rd January 2019
Current Report

Vi and John Rubens House Care Home - Care Quality Commission (

Historic Reports

Vi and John Rubens House Care Home - Care Quality Commission (

Registration Date 12th November 2010
Service Provider Jewish Care, NW11 9DQ

Other Care Homes in the area worth considering

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Frequently asked questions about Vi and John Rubens House

Vi and John Rubens House was given an overall rating of "Good" by the CQC in January 2019.
Vi and John Rubens House provides Residential, Nursing, Dementia and Respite care.
Vi and John Rubens House has 105 rooms.
Vi and John Rubens House is owned by Jewish Care.
Yes. Vi and John Rubens House does offer Residential care.
Yes. Vi and John Rubens House does offer Respite care.
Yes. Vi and John Rubens House does provide care for people with Dementia.
Vi and John Rubens House comes under Redbridge.
Vi and John Rubens House accepts Local Authority clients.
Vi and John Rubens House accepts NHS Continuing Healthcare clients.
Ewelina Popiel-Lewosinska is the manager of Vi and John Rubens House.

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