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32 Burnfield Road
G46 7PZ


Request Details
Care Type Care Home
Care Category Residential | Nursing | Respite
Availability Call for details
Regulator's Rating Outstanding
Care Options We Can Provide
Support For Companionship, Personal care.
Disability Support Bed Bound, Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Requires Hoist , Walking Frame, Wheel Chair Bound.
Medication By Mouth, Change Catheter, Injection, Suppository.
Respite Care Yes

32 Burnfield Road
G46 7PZ

Regulator: Care Inspectorate - Scotland

Autumna uses the Care Inspectorate's combined grading data which combines information from their new quality framework evaluations and their previous quality inspection methodology. If no recent rating has been awarded, an older rating from a previous inspection will be displayed.
Category Rating
Overall Outstanding
Wellbeing Outstanding
Care and Support Outstanding
Environment Outstanding
Staff Outstanding
Management Outstanding
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Report Published 12th June 2019

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Other Care Homes in the area worth considering

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Frequently asked questions about Burnfield

Burnfield was given an overall rating of "Outstanding" by the Care Inspectorate - Scotland in June 2019.
Burnfield provides Residential, Nursing and Respite care.
Burnfield is owned by Newark Care.
Yes. Burnfield does offer Residential care.
Yes. Burnfield does offer Respite care.
No. Burnfield does not provide care for people with Dementia.
Burnfield does not accept Local Authority clients.

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