Care Type | Care Home |
Care Category | Residential | Dementia | Respite |
Availability | Call for details |
Regulator's Rating | Good |
Care Options | We Can Provide |
Support For | Companionship, Complex Care, Daily Respite Care, End of Life, High Dependency, Independent Living, Mental Healthcare, Nursing Dementia / EMI, Palliative, Personal care, Reablement, Support for Couples. |
Disability Support | Bed Bound, Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Requires Hoist , Walking Frame, Wheel Chair Bound. |
Medication | By Mouth, Change Catheter, Injection, Suppository. |
Type Of Dementia | Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia, Severe Dementia (EMI). |
Dementia Behaviour | Agitation / Restlessness, Challenging Behaviour, Disrupted Sleep Patterns, Mild Forgetfulness, Violent Behaviour, Wandering . |
Dementia Specialisms | Alzheimer's. |
Respite Care | Yes |
Castlepark Road
KA12 8SZ
Autumna uses the Care Inspectorate's combined grading data which combines information from their new quality framework evaluations and their previous quality inspection methodology. If no recent rating has been awarded, an older rating from a previous inspection will be displayed.
Category | Rating |
Overall | Good |
Wellbeing | Good |
Care and Support | Good |
Environment | Good |
Staff | Good |
Management | Good |
Read More | |
Report Published | 21st September 2021 |
Yeomanry Place, Ayr, Ayrshire, KA7 1LD
Nursing | Dementia | Respite
28 Racecourse Road, Ayr, South Ayrshire, KA7 2UX
Residential | Nursing | Dementia | Respite
Racecourse Road, Ayr, Ayrshire, KA7 2UY
Residential | Nursing | Dementia | Respite
Care Provider:2 Seafield Road, Ayr, Ayrshire, KA7 4AA
Residential | Nursing | Dementia | Respite
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