Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire

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Profile Strength
Excellent 93%
Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire - Home Care
Care Type Home Care
Care Category Personal | Dementia | Respite
Availability Yes
Regulator's Rating Good
Meet The Manager

Sophie Newbury is Registered Manager at Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

I started my career in care just over 5 years ago, and I absolutely love it! Over the last 5 years I have grown as a person within the care industry, starting as a care assistant moving my way up the ladder to now becoming a Registered Care Manager. The job is very rewarding and I would always go that extra mile for my staff and clients.

My family and friends are very important to me, so in my spare time I will spent time with them. I enjoy listening to music, socialising and cleaning!

After caring for family members over the years, this really made me determined to support others. I would not change it for the world’

Sophie Newbury

From companion care, traditional home care and personal care to complex home care services including palliative care.

We are delighted to be offering the highest quality care to people in their own homes throughout the communities of West Berkshire and South Oxfordshire.

Our passion is to make a positive difference to people’s lives and enable families to feel reassured and their loved ones to enjoy a level of independence and wellbeing that comes from being able to remain safe and content in their own homes.

Care Options We Can Provide
Care Given Companionship, Complex Care, Convalescence, Daily Respite Care, End of Life, Independent Living, Palliative, Personal care, Support for Couples.
Disability Support Bed Bound, Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Requires Hoist , Walking Frame, Wheel Chair Bound.
Housekeeping Cleaning, DIY, Gardening, Household Admin, Laundry, Meal Delivery service, Meal Preparation, Medical Appointments, Prescription Collection, Shopping, Tidying, Transportation.
Medication By Mouth, Electronic Medication Management.
Type Of Dementia Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia, Severe Dementia (EMI).
Dementia Behaviour Agitation / Restlessness, Challenging Behaviour, Disrupted Sleep Patterns, Mild Forgetfulness, Violent Behaviour, Wandering .
Dementia Specialisms Alzheimer's, Frontotemporal, Lewy Body, Mixed Dementias, Picks Disease, Vascular Dementia.
Care Visits 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 3 Hours, 4 Hours, 6 Hours, Days, Full Day, Full Day & Night, Hours, Min, Night Service (awake / waking), Sitting-in Service, Sleep-in Service, Weeks.
Transport Carer provides own vehicle, Mobility car available, Will accompany on Public Transport, Will drive client's vehicle.

Autumna has invited care providers to evidence the infection control measures they are carrying out, above and beyond those laid out by the government, in order to keep residents, staff and visitors safe.

What we're doing to keep residents & visitors safe

We are working within the government guidelines to help protect our staff and clients.

Infection Control Initiatives in place
safe-tick Infection Control Training Our staff are trained to use measures which prevent and control infections.
safe-tick Virus Testing We are testing for viral infection when symptoms present within our care setting.
Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) - Regulator’s Assessment
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, regulators have assessed the preparedness of care providers in relation to infection prevention and control. Details of the regulator’s latest findings can be found below.
Regulator: CQC
safe-tick Use of PPE The provider assured the regulator that it was using personal protective equipment effectively and safely.
View the provider’s latest Inspection Reports.

Social media provides an up to date window on the activities within a provider's setting.

With the restrictions on visiting during the pandemic, social media platforms such as these offer real insight when you are choosing a provider.

Infection Control Safe We are on Facebook

Funding Types
Local Authority West Berkshire
Region South East
We Accept Self-Funding Clients Yes

The Importance Of Meal Times

A balanced, nutritious diet is essential to maintaining health and wellbeing, our carers can prepare all types of meals for our clients, taking likes, dislikes and cultural needs into consideration.

We Can Prepare
Afternoon Tea, Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, Cold Meals, Hot Meals, Snacks.

Dietary Options
Pureed, Vegetarian.

Our Photos

Activities Are So Important

As a part of your care arrangement, you will be supported with basic and physical activities of daily living to live as ordinary life as possible, suited to your abilities, at home and in the community.

Our Photos

Staff Specialities
1 to 1 Activities, Birthday Celebrations, Board Games, Card Games, Crosswords, Music Entertainment, Reminiscence, Word Games.

Regulator: CQC

Current Ratings
CQC Registered Yes
Overall Good
Safe Good
Well Led Good
Caring Good
Responsive Good
Effective Good
Inspection Reports
Last inspected 11th April 2023
Last rated 4th May 2023
Current Report

Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire Home Care service - Care Quality Commission (

Historic Reports

Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire Home Care service - Care Quality Commission (

Registration Date 30th March 2022

We provide cover in most RG and OX postcodes. Get in touch to discuss your needs with us.

Our Registered Address is:

13 Horseshoe Park

Frequently asked questions about Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire

Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire was given an overall rating of "Good" by the CQC in May 2023.
Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire provides Personal, Dementia and Respite care.
Yes. Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire does offer Respite care.
Yes. Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire does provide care for people with Dementia.
Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire comes under West Berkshire.
Sophie Newbury is the manager of Visiting Angels South Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

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