Radfield Home Care Brentwood & Basildon (Live-in Care)

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Profile Strength
Fair 43%
Radfield Home Care Brentwood & Basildon (Live-in Care) - Live In Care
Care Type Live In Care
Care Category Personal | Dementia | Respite
Availability Yes
Regulator's Rating Not Yet Rated
Care Options We Can Provide
Support For Companionship, End of Life, Palliative, Personal care, Rehabilitation.
Disability Support Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Walking Frame.
Housekeeping Cleaning, DIY, Gardening, Household Admin, Laundry, Meal Delivery service, Meal Preparation, Prescription Collection, Shopping, Tidying, Transportation.
Nursing Specialisms Cancer, Parkinson's Disease, Stroke.
Medication By Mouth.
Type Of Dementia Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia, Severe Dementia (EMI).
Dementia Behaviour Challenging Behaviour, Mild Forgetfulness, Wandering .
Dementia Specialisms Alzheimer's.
Transport Carer provides own vehicle, Will accompany on Public Transport, Will drive client's vehicle.
Technology Automatic Medication Reminders, Emergency Response, Family Apps, GPS Tracking, Home Automation, Home Safety Monitoring, Key Safes, Personal Alarm, Stimulation Apps, Telehealth Monitoring.

Regulator: CQC

Not yet rated.

We cover Brentwood, Basildon and the surrounding areas.

Our Registered Address is:

Village Office 11
Barleylands Craft Village, Barleylands Road
CM11 2UD

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Unit 8a, Clipper Park Industrial Units, Thurrock Park Way, Tilbury, RM18 7HG

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Frequently asked questions about Radfield Home Care Brentwood & Basildon (Live-in Care)

Radfield Home Care Brentwood & Basildon (Live-in Care) provides Personal, Dementia and Respite care.
Yes. Radfield Home Care Brentwood & Basildon (Live-in Care) does offer Respite care.
Yes. Radfield Home Care Brentwood & Basildon (Live-in Care) does provide care for people with Dementia.

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