SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care)

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Profile Strength
Excellent 95%
SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care) - Live In Care
Care Type Live In Care
Care Category Personal | Dementia | Respite
Availability Yes
Regulator's Rating Not Yet Rated
Meet The Manager

Abigail is Registered Manager at SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care).

Abigail is a qualified Radiographer and holds a Diploma in Health Care Management. She is a highly experienced health professional with over 15 years working in the NHS and Healthcare sector. Abigail is self-motivated and driven by her passion for providing quality and person centred care underpinned by compassion, paying attention to compliance and safety issues.

At SAG Living Hope, we specialise in working with clients and their families who require social care in their own homes. We offer a flexible domiciliary or home care service of tailored visits ranging from check-in visits to full live-in support. Our commitment to quality care services is unrelenting and plays a crucial part in our success. SAG Living Hope are equipped to provide personalised care and support to keep you safe, comfortable and living independently in your own home in a variety of different life stages.

To this end, we have a team of trained and dedicated home care assistants and carers ready to deliver highly personalised quality care. We believe in treating each and every client with the same level of care and respect that we’d give our own family.

Our home care packages built around you support you to maintain your chosen lifestyle in accordance with your own individual preferences and needs. We keep you in control and provide you with the domiciliary care and support you want, where and when you want it.

Care Options We Can Provide
Support For Companionship, Complex Care, Convalescence, Daily Respite Care, Emergency Care, End of Life, Independent Living, Learning Disability (ALD), Palliative, Personal care, Reablement, Support for Couples.
Disability Support Bed Bound, Hearing Impairment, Physical Disability, Physically Frail, Requires Hoist , Speech Impairment, Visual Impairment, Walking Frame, Wheel Chair Bound.
Housekeeping Cleaning, Household Admin, Laundry, Meal Preparation, Medical Appointments, Prescription Collection, Shopping, Tidying, Transportation.
Nursing Specialisms Diabetes.
Medication By Mouth, Change Catheter, Electronic Medication Management.
Type Of Dementia Mild Dementia, Moderate Dementia.
Dementia Behaviour Agitation / Restlessness, Challenging Behaviour, Disrupted Sleep Patterns, Mild Forgetfulness, Violent Behaviour, Wandering .
Dementia Specialisms Alzheimer's.
Transport Carer provides own vehicle, Will accompany on Public Transport.
Technology Automatic Medication Reminders, Family Apps.

Autumna has invited care providers to evidence the infection control measures they are carrying out, above and beyond those laid out by the government, in order to keep residents, staff and visitors safe.

What we're doing to keep residents & visitors safe

We are working within the government guidelines to help protect our staff and clients.

Infection Control Initiatives in place
safe-tick Infection Control Training Our staff are trained to use measures which prevent and control infections.
safe-tick Virus Testing We are testing for viral infection when symptoms present within our care setting.

Social media provides an up to date window on the activities within a provider's setting.

With the restrictions on visiting during the pandemic, social media platforms such as these offer real insight when you are choosing a provider.

Infection Control Safe We are on Facebook

Funding Types
We Accept Self-Funding Clients Yes
Local Authority Funded Clients Yes

The Importance Of Meal Times

We strongly support the provision of a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet for all residents. ​We take pride in providing tasty, tempting meals for our residents. Mealtimes should be an enjoyable occasion for our residents

We Can Prepare
Afternoon Tea, All day snacks, Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, Cold Meals, Hot Meals, Snacks.

Dietary Options
Pureed, Vegetarian.

Our Photos

Activities Are So Important

We’ll help you or your loved one to get out and about to attend appointments, socialise, or share a hobby. Whether it’s taking you to doctors’ appointments, to the shops, going out for a walk, attending a day centre, to meet up with your friends and family or going to your church or club, we’re always happy to join in.

Our Photos

Staff Specialities
1 to 1 Activities, Birthday Celebrations, Board Games, Card Games, Crafts, Crosswords, Excursions, Knitting / Embroidery, Painting, Reminiscence, Word Games.

Our Pets

Your pets are important to us as they are to you.

How We Help With Your Pet

Regulator: CQC

Not yet rated.

We cover Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and surrounding areas

Our Registered Address is:

29 Chipping Vale
Emerson Valley
Milton Keynes

Frequently asked questions about SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care)

SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care) provides Personal, Dementia and Respite care.
Yes. SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care) does offer Respite care.
Yes. SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care) does provide care for people with Dementia.
SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care) accepts Local Authority clients.
SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care) accepts NHS Continuing Healthcare clients.
Abigail is the manager of SAG Living Hope (Live-In-Care).

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