Older Persons Care Advice
July 14th, 2020
The summer weather is hit-and-miss in the UK, but we need to prepare for the possibility of a heatwave.
Healthcare writer, Declan Davey gives his thoughts.
Older Persons Care Advice
June 6th, 2020
Finding a care home is a daunting prospect and a situation that requires organisation, patience and a great deal of emotional strength.
Older Persons Care Advice
May 30th, 2020
In this blog we will attempt to answer this question and some of the many others that get put to us regularly on the Autumna elderly care advice line.
Case Study
May 13th, 2020
Callers to the Autumna care advice line are naturally worried, during the Coronavirus outbreak, about the safety of their elderly loved ones.
April 24th, 2020
A guest blog from Peter Bewert, Managing Director of Meaningful Care Matters a leading care and organisational development group that specialises in helping health and social care providers to access a variety of support services.
April 13th, 2020
In this blog we will try to answer some of the more frequently asked questions that our Advice line is receiving about care homes during the coronavirus lock down. The situation is changing all the time though, so if you are worried about developments, then please call us on 01892 33 53 30. Our friendly staff will do their best to help you.
Legal Advice
April 3rd, 2020
A question that the Autumna Advice Line is fielding on a more regular basis during the COVID-19 outbreak, concerns Living Wills - or Advance Decisions - and how to make them so that they are recognised legally. This blog gives a brief overview but will then link to solicitors, Parfitt Cresswell, for the detail.
April 1st, 2020
5 steps to help people living with dementia whilst social distancing policies are in place during the coronavirus pandemic.
March 26th, 2020
As the COVID-19 outbreak spreads, more and more technology providers are developing new tools, or releasing their products for free, to support health and social care providers, staff and people receiving care.
Care Homes
Home Care Services
Live-in Care Services
Retirement Living Developments
Autumna is the UK's largest and most comprehensive later-life living & elderly care directory. Our detailed search facility and team of expert advisors can help you find the best care homes, nursing homes, retirement homes, retirement villages, home care, and live-in care services for you or your loved one's needs. Our website is free to use, we are proudly independent, and we never take referral fees.