March 23rd, 2020
Surrey based care home group CHD Living has digitised its 'Adopt a Grandparent' campaign and is calling for 'virtual volunteers' to keep their residents company, whilst Person Centred Software is making its Relatives Gateway free for all UK and Ireland care homes
Leaving Hospital
March 22nd, 2020
Autumna give 5 top tips for choosing a care home without being able to actually step inside whilst the country is locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic
Case Study
March 10th, 2020
Autumna News
October 17th, 2019
Debbie Harris writes in Living Magazine about planning your later life care.
What good looks like
October 7th, 2019
Dying well is not something many people think about. But there are several organisations who recognise how important dying well is, both to the individual and the family.
What good looks like
October 7th, 2019
The Butterfly Model of dementia care is based on creating a family like atmosphere. It was launched over 20 years ago but is still relatively unknown to people looking for care.
Older Persons Care Advice
September 26th, 2019
After a lifetime of looking after yourself it’s often hard to accept you may need help.
Leaving Hospital
September 4th, 2019
Respite care provides a short stay in a care home that provides ‘respite’ from caring responsibilities for a carer.
Paying for Care
July 30th, 2019
According to a recent front page article in the Daily Mail, some of us are embroiled in a scandal that costs us £21,000 a year.
But it does depend on interpretation … and understanding the facts.
Care Homes
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Live-in Care Services
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